Make YouTube shorts 10x faster

Turn videos into viral shorts. Save hours using AI

AI powered by Make YoutTube Short with OpenAI

Create TikTok videos Create Youtube shorts Create Instagram reels

Get ready-to-publish Shorts, TikToks, Reels from YouTube videos in a click

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Turn long YouTube videos
generate short videos + add subtitles with AI
into viral shorts

AI-generated TikTok

As seen on:

Create TikTok videos Create Youtube shorts Create Instagram reels Create Youtube shorts
Create TikTok videos Create Youtube shorts Create Instagram reels

Trusted by +100k happy users

Embraced a new area of video editing

Make YouTube Shorts fast with AI


AI-edited clips of best topics.


Auto-reframe on faces.


Beautiful generated captions.


Your videos, your style.

Let AI generate ready-to-publish clips

Reach more people without extra work

How does Klap work?

Klap utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to identify interesting topics within the uploaded videos. It then generate edited short clips based of these topics, with intelligent framing to portrait and engaging captions.

What kind of videos are supported?

Klap work on all videos. However, as the algorithm rely on speech, Klap works best for talking videos: podcasts, interviews, educational videos, product reviews, etc.

Is Klap free?

We offer 1 free trial video for you to try out Klap. After that, you can choose to upgrade to Klap Pro starting at $29/month.

Try for free (No credit card required)

Create TikTok videos Create Youtube shorts Create Instagram reels

Trusted by +100k happy users

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